Archive for luglio 2012
Only culture can feed our brain
by Ariella Risch, Illywords
What is the best food for mind? Might it be that kind of fish containing a lot of phosphorus like codfish? Might it be the wheat bran so trendy nowadays? Or rather it could work the ritual of Papua’s cannibals that were used to eat the brains of their own kind?
I believe not through the multiple TV reality shows or “pseudo” academic discussions! Not at all!
I think we have to find the right answer in culture, studies and in the enhancement of our knowledge.
The number of museums in the world has been constantly growing: 4.379 in Italy, 250 in Estonia, and more or less 2o.000 in the U.S. I was in Beijing some days ago and I visited an amazing museum: the Cafa International Museum. Hundreds of people visit it every day. This is an important sign of the appetite for culture spread all over the world.
I guess it is up time to investigate with our editorial staff what are the most contemporary aspects able to feed our brains. I think we’ll have some surprises! Stay tuned!
Qual è il migliore cibo per la mente? Sarà quel pesce che contiene tanto fosforo come il merluzzo? Sarà la crusca di frumento oggi tornata anche di moda? Sarà valido il rito dei cannibali della Papuasia che si mangiavano il cervello di loro simili?
Forse la risposta più vera sta nel bisogno di allenare il cervello come qualsiasi muscolo o parte del corpo. Ma come? Giudicando dai vari reality alla Tv o dalle pseudo discussioni accademiche, direi proprio di no.
Mi azzardo a dire che la risposta sta nella cultura, nello studio e nella conoscenza.
Nel mondo aumentano i musei, 4.739 in Italia, 250 in Estonia, più o meno 20.000 negli US.
A Pechino, dove mi trovavo qualche giorno fa, ad esempio ho visto un museo incredibile: il Cafa International Museum.
Il museo é visitato da centinaia di persone ogni giorno. Significherà pur qualcosa! E allora questo mese indaghiamo con la nostra redazione quali aspetti contemporanei alimentano il nostro cervello in gran parte del mondo.
Penso avremo delle belle sorprese! Rimanete sintonizzati!
Industrial accidents of yesteryear
Industrial accidents of yesteryear:

This 1961 ad for Summitville Tiles, Inc. features an all-too-familiar lab scene that we were only able to put behind us for good when we stopped letting Salvador Dali cook his meth in Boing Boing Labs.
Midcentury Modern and a half-naked lab assistant

This 1961 ad for Summitville Tiles, Inc. features an all-too-familiar lab scene that we were only able to put behind us for good when we stopped letting Salvador Dali cook his meth in Boing Boing Labs.
Midcentury Modern and a half-naked lab assistant
Día de los Muertos wallpaper
Día de los Muertos wallpaper:

Emily Evans designed this gorgeous Día de los Muertos wallpaper for two Latin bars in London. It's hand-screened using metallic gold ink on peacock, charcoal, and raspberry paper. Anatomy Boutique (via Dangerous Minds)

Emily Evans designed this gorgeous Día de los Muertos wallpaper for two Latin bars in London. It's hand-screened using metallic gold ink on peacock, charcoal, and raspberry paper. Anatomy Boutique (via Dangerous Minds)
Posted by SimoneGallina™
Le Globe Celeste, Paris, 1900
Le Globe Celeste, Paris, 1900:

Source: 1. Santos Dumos Life, 2. Brooklyn Museum, 2. Bibliothèque nationale de France, 3, 5, 6, 8. L’Exposition de Paris 1900, 4, Miami Dade college

Source: 1. Santos Dumos Life, 2. Brooklyn Museum, 2. Bibliothèque nationale de France, 3, 5, 6, 8. L’Exposition de Paris 1900, 4, Miami Dade college
Posted by SimoneGallina™
Andy Warhol and Nico as Batman and Robin, 1967
Andy Warhol and Nico as Batman and Robin, 1967:

Photoshoot for Esquire Magazine. Images c. Globe Photos.
Source: 1, 4 Rhian Bowley; 2, 3, Morgansea; 5, 6, 7, Veinsthud

Photoshoot for Esquire Magazine. Images c. Globe Photos.
Source: 1, 4 Rhian Bowley; 2, 3, Morgansea; 5, 6, 7, Veinsthud
Travis Louie paints Bigfoot (cyclops)
Travis Louie paints Bigfoot (cyclops):

From every monster's favorite portrait artist Travis Louie comes this lovely painting, "Spirit Of The Cyclo-Sasquatch based on the Patterson footage." (Thanks, Stacey Ransom!)

From every monster's favorite portrait artist Travis Louie comes this lovely painting, "Spirit Of The Cyclo-Sasquatch based on the Patterson footage." (Thanks, Stacey Ransom!)
“La Vie Électrique” by Albert Robida, 1890
“La Vie Électrique” by Albert Robida, 1890:

“Albert Robida (1848–1926) wrote an acclaimed trilogy of futuristic novels. He proposed inventions integrated into everyday life and imagined the social developments that arose from them: social advancement of women, mass tourism, pollution, etc. His Téléphonoscope was a flat screen television display that delivered the latest news 24-hours a day, the latest plays, courses, and teleconferences.”
- Wikipedia

Source: Project Gutenberg

“Albert Robida (1848–1926) wrote an acclaimed trilogy of futuristic novels. He proposed inventions integrated into everyday life and imagined the social developments that arose from them: social advancement of women, mass tourism, pollution, etc. His Téléphonoscope was a flat screen television display that delivered the latest news 24-hours a day, the latest plays, courses, and teleconferences.”
- Wikipedia
Source: Project Gutenberg