Archive for aprile 2012
Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, 1970-1972
Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, 1970-1972:

“Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp” originally aired on ABC from 1970 to 1972. It featured Link and his female colleague Mata Hairi. Link worked for A.P.E. (Agency to Prevent Evil) in an ongoing conflict with the evil organization C.H.U.M.P., the Criminal Headquarters for the Underworld’s Master Plan. APE’s chief Darwin gave Link and Hairi their orders as part of his “theory”. CHUMP’s monocled chief Baron von Butcher’s network of international fiends included his shifty chauffeur Creto, mad scientist Dr. Strangemind, imperious Dragon Woman, drowsy Wang Fu, singing sheikh Ali Assa Seen, and the cultured Duchess. A regular weekly feature was chimp TV host Ed Simian introducing a musical number by an all-chimp band, “The Evolution Revolution.”
- Wikipedia

Images by Ralph Crane
Source: LIFE Archive

“Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp” originally aired on ABC from 1970 to 1972. It featured Link and his female colleague Mata Hairi. Link worked for A.P.E. (Agency to Prevent Evil) in an ongoing conflict with the evil organization C.H.U.M.P., the Criminal Headquarters for the Underworld’s Master Plan. APE’s chief Darwin gave Link and Hairi their orders as part of his “theory”. CHUMP’s monocled chief Baron von Butcher’s network of international fiends included his shifty chauffeur Creto, mad scientist Dr. Strangemind, imperious Dragon Woman, drowsy Wang Fu, singing sheikh Ali Assa Seen, and the cultured Duchess. A regular weekly feature was chimp TV host Ed Simian introducing a musical number by an all-chimp band, “The Evolution Revolution.”
- Wikipedia
Images by Ralph Crane
Source: LIFE Archive